February 20 – Congratulations to Karen O. Osiro, Abel Gil-Ley, Fabiano C. Fernandes, Kamila B. S. de Oliveira, César de la Fuente and Octávio Luiz Franco on the publication of the article “Paving the way for new antimicrobial peptides through molecular de-extinction” in Microbial Cell.
February 19 – (in Spanish) Industria Química writes an article on César de la Fuente reaching the pinnacle of Chemistry.
February 18 – Penn Engineering Today publishes a piece on the University of Pennsylvania’s members selected to receive a 2025 Sloan Research Fellowship.
February 18 – (in Spanish) La Nueva Crónica writes an article on César de la Fuente joining the global elite of Chemistry thanks to his AI-driven antibiotic discoveries.
February 18 – (in Spanish) Quincemil publishes an article on César de la Fuente as recipient of the 2025 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in Chemistry.
February 18 – Penn Today publishes a piece on the four from Penn named 2025 Sloan Research Fellows.
February 18 – The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation announces that César de la Fuente is the one of the recipients of the 2025 Sloan Fellowship in Chemistry.
February 10 – Technical.ly showcases the achievements of De la Fuente Lab in their article commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Penn Center for Innovation.
February 7 – (in Spanish) infobae writes an article on what makes wasp venom a potent antibiotic.
February 6 – (in Spanish) Newsweek publishes a piece on César de la Fuente.
February 1 – Congratulations Marcelo D. T. Torres, Tianlai Chen, Fangping Wan, Pranam Chatterjee, and Cesar de la Fuente-Nunez on the publication of the prerpint “Generative latent diffusion language modeling yields anti-infective synthetic peptides” in bioRxiv.
January – ADL Blueshift conducts in-depth study on AI-driven research, development, and innovation, showcasing the De la Fuente Lab’s discovery of nearly 1 million potential antibiotic compounds.
January 31 – Forbes writes an article on the rise of AI scientists, mentioning the role of the De la Fuente Lab in the context of the transformative impact of AI on research and development.
January 31 – (in Spanish) Gobierno de Canarias publishes a piece on the importance of AI for public health.
January 27 – ASBMB Today publishes an article on Microbiology Society naming 2025 award winners. Congratulations to César de la Fuente on receiving this award!
January 24 – Science Friday hosts a conversation between Nobel Laureate David Baker and César de la Fuente.
January 22 – Congratulations to Elizabete de Souza Cândido, Liryel Silva Gasparetto, Livia Veiga Luchi, João Pedro Farias Pimentel, Marlon Henrique Cardoso, Maria Lígia Rodrigues Macedo, César de la Fuente and Octávio Luiz Franco on the publication of the article “Small and Versatile Cyclotides as Anti-infective Agents” in ACS Infectious Diseases.
January 17 – Penn Today publishes a piece on Penn Center for Innovation celebrating 10 years.
January 13 – Congratulations to Benjamin Galeota-Sprung and César de la Fuente on the publication of the article “Microproteins: emerging roles as antibiotics” in Trends in Genetics.
January 8 – Congratulations to Changge Guan, Fangping Wan, Marcelo D. T. Torres and César de la Fuente on the publication of the preprint “Improving functional protein generation via foundation model-derived latent space likelihood optimization” in bioRxiv.
January 7 – Congratulations to Angela Cesaro, Samuel C. Hoffmann, Payel Das and César de la Fuente on the publication of the article “Challenges and applications of artificial intelligence in infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance” in npj antimicrobials and resistance.
January 5 – Congratulations to Yan C. Leyva, Marcelo D. T. Torres, Carlos A. Oliva, César de la Fuente and Carlos A. Brizulea on the publication of the preprint “Key-cutting machine: A novel optimization framework for tailored protein and peptide design” in bioRxiv.
December 31 – Congratulations to Changge Guan, Fabiano C. Fernandes, Octavio L. Franco and César de la Fuente on the publication of the paper “Leveraging large language models for peptide antibiotic design” in Cell Reports Physical Science.
December 21 – Congratulations to Angela Cesaro, Fangping Wan, Marcelo D. T. Torres and César de la Fuente on the publication of the preprint “Design of multimodal antibiotics against intracellular infections using deep learning” in bioRxiv.
December 20 – Congratulations to Changge Guan, Marcelo D. T. Torres, Sufen Li and César de la Fuente on the publication of the preprint “Venomics AI: a computational exploration of global venoms for antibiotic discovery” in bioRxiv.
December 10 – César de la Fuente gives a lecture at the TU Eindhoven.
November 27 – César de la Fuente is one of the keynote speakers at the Forum Ideas con Valor 2024.
November 27 – Congratulations to Marcelo D. T. Torres, Yimeng Zeng, Fangping Wan, Natalie Maus, Jacob Gardner and César de la Fuente on the publication of the preprint “A generative artificial intelligence approach for antibiotic optimization” in bioRxiv.
November 26 – Congratulations to César de la Fuente on the publication of the paper “Mining biology for antibiotic discovery” in PLOS Biology.
November 21 – (in Spanih) El Confidencial publishes a piece on AI and biomedical revolution.
November 19 – César de la Fuente gives a talk at AMR Symposium.
November 18 – Penn Bioengineering Blog writes an article on the discovery of a new class of encrypted peptides that may contribute to combat antibiotic resistance.
November 18 – ASBMB Today publishes a piece on César de la Fuente as recipient of the American Society of Microbiology’s Award for Early Career Basic Research.
November 16 – Congratulations to Marcelo D. T. Torres, Fangping Wan and César de la Fuente on the publication of the preprint “Discovery of antibiotics in the archaeome using deep learning” in bioRxiv.
November 16 – César de la Fuente, keynote speaker at the IFoRE24 conference.
November 16 – César de la Fuente receives the Sigma Xi 2024 Young Investigator Award.
November 16 – César de la Fuente, keynote speaker at the IFoRE24 conference.
November 14 – Congratulations to César de la Fuente and the whole team on the publication of the article “Computational Approaches for Antimicrobial Peptide Delivery” in Bioconjugate Chemistry.
November 14 – César de la Fuente gives a talk at Irsi Caixa.
November 5 – (in Spanish) El Mundo Castilla y León reports a potential solution to combat infections.
November 5 – (in Spanish) La Voz de Galicia publishes an article on potential antibiotics identified in non-immune proteins.
November 4 – Penn Today reports a new class of encrypted peptides offering hope in fight against antibiotic resistance.
October 29 – AZoLifeSciences writes a piece on encrypted peptides offering hope against antibiotic-resistant infections.
October 29 – News Medical publishes an article on a novel class of encrypted peptides offering hope against drug-resistant bacteria.
October 29 – MSN informs about encrypted peptides offering hope against antibiotic-resistant infections
October 29 – Head Topics reports a novel class of encrypted peptides offering hope against drug-resistant bacteria.
October 29 – (in Spanish) MUNDIARIO covers the discovery of hidden antibiotics in non-inmune proteins.
October 29 – (in Spanish) La Opinión A Coruña writes an article on the hidden allies of human defenses.
October 29 – (in Spanish) El Periódico publishes an article on the hidden allies of human defenses.
October 29 – (in Spanish) Faro de Vigo interviews César de la Fuente.
October 29 – El País publishes a piece on a research revealing hidden antibiotics in non-inmune proteins.
October 29 – (in Spanish) El País publishes a piece on a research revealing hidden antibiotics in non-inmune proteins.
October 29 – PHYS.ORG informs about scientists uncovering key mechanism in pathogen defense.
October 28 – (in Spanish) La Vanguardia writes an article on a new class of antimicrobial agents.
October 28 – (in Spanish) Faro de Vigo reports the team’s discovery of previously hidden antimicrobial agents.
October 28 – PHYS.ORG informs about a new class of encrypted peptides that exhibits significant antimicrobial properties.
October 28 – Penn Medicine News publishes an article on a new class of encrypted peptides that offer renewed hope in fight against antibiotic resistance.
October 28 – Congratulations to Marcelo Torres, Angela Cesaro and César de la Fuente for the publication of the article “Peptides from non-immune proteins target infections through antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties” in Trends in Biotechnology.
October 21 – Newswise reports on encrypted peptides offering hope in the fight against antibiotic resistance.
October 19 – (in Spanish) Diario de León writes a piece on César de la Fuente.
October 15 – César de la Fuente takes part as speaker in the 3rd Annual Biodesign Symposium “AI in Biodesign” at Duke University.
October 14 – (in Spanish) Newsweek features César de la Fuente as one of the visionaries shaping the future of AI.
October 12 – (in Spanish) Diario de León publishes a piece on César de la Fuente.
October 11 – César de la Fuente gives a keynote lecture at Northwestern University.
October 11 – (in Spanish) MunicipioSur.com writes an article on the human microbiome as a key to discover new antibiotics.
October 10 – (in Spanish) León 24 horas publishes a piece on César de la Fuente’s lecture at the University of León.
October 10 – (in Spanish) Ahora León covers César de la Fuente’s lecture at the University of León.
October 10 – (in Spanish) Diario de León writes an article on the laboratory at the University of León named after César de la Fuente.
October 9 – (in Spanish) iLeón reports on the laboratory at the University of León named after César de la Fuente.
October 9 – (in Spanish) Europa Press publishes a piece on the laboratory at the University of León named after César de la Fuente.
October 9 – (in Spanish) León 24 horas informs about the Environmental Laboratory of the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences being named after César de la Fuente.
October 9 – (in Spanish) Info León writes a piece on the laboratory of Biological and Environmental Sciences named after César de la Fuente.
October 9 – (in Spanish) RTVE Informativos León reports on the tribute honoring César de la Fuente at the University of León.
October 9 – (in Spanish) Gente en León publishes an article on the laboratory at the University of León named after César de la Fuente.
October 9 – (in Spanish) Universidad de León writes an article on the César de la Fuente’s lecture on AI and new antibiotics at the Magna Classroom of Biological Sciences Faculty.
October 9 – (in Spanish) La Vanguardia publishes a piece on the laboratory at the University of León maned after César de la Fuente.
October 9 – (in Spanish) La 8 León covers the recognition of César de la Fuente for his work in the fight against bacteria.
October 9 – (in Spanish) León Noticias interviews César de la Fuente.
October 9 – (in Spanish) Diario de León interviews César de la Fuente.
October 9 – A laboratory at the University of León named after César de la Fuente.
October 8 – (in Spanish) León 24 horas informs about the laboratory at the University of León that has been named in honor of César de la Fuente.
October 7 – (in Spanish) La Nueva Crónica publishes an article on the laboratory at the University de León named after César de la Fuente.
October 7 – (in Spanish) Universidad de León writes an article on the laboratory of Biological and Environmental Sciences named after César de la Fuente.
October 1 – Philadelphia Citizen publishes a piece entitled Jurassic Park on the Schuylkill on the work at De la Fuente Lab.
September 27 – ibs.GRANADA covers a scientific conference held in Granada focusing on personalized precision medicine.
September 25 – Chemistry & Industry publishes a piece on how AI could fuel a mammoth antibiotic discovery.
September 25 – Chemistry & Industry publishes a piece on how AI could fuel a mammoth antibiotic discovery.
September 19 – César de la Fuente presents the lab’s work at ESCMID Global.
September 18 – Congratulations to César de la Fuente and the whole team on the publication of the article “Antimicrobial resistance: a concise update” in The Lancet Microbe.
September 18 – University of Birmingham publishes an article on how can new non-antibiotic therapeutic approaches and AI help to tackle antimicrobial resistance.
September 17 – (in Spanish) MUNDIARIO writes an article on the resurgence of deadly infections.
September 17 – (in Spanish) Antena 3 Noticias publishes a piece on antibiotic resistance.
September 17 – El País covers the problem of antibiotic resistance threatening to kill 208 million people in 25 years.
September 17 – (in Spanish) El País covers the problem of antibiotic resistance threatening to kill 208 million people in 25 years.
September 16 – (in Spanish) Intereconomía Radio interviews César de la Fuente.
September 15 – César de la Fuente gives a talk at the 22nd Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery Symposium.
September 12 – themicrobiologist writes an aricle on researchers uncovering new infection-fighting molecules through molecular de-extinction.
September 12 – (in Galician) Gciencia publishes an article on the De la Fuente Lab’s finding of potential antibiotic molecules in an extinct bird from New Zealand.
September 12 – (in Spanish) La Voz de Galicia writes a piece on molecular de-extinction holding the potential to unlock the discovery of novel antibiotics.
September 11 – phys.org covers the finding of new infection-fighting molecules through molecular de-extinction.
September 11 – (in Spanish) Faro de Vigo publishes a piece on the De La Fuente Lab’s discovery of new molecules to combat infections thanks to molecular de-extinction.
September 9 – César de la Fuente gives a talk on discovering new antibiotics through AI at the Irsi Caixa.
September 8 – (in Spanish) La Razón writes an article on the search for molecules against super-resistant bacteria.
September 7 – (in Spanish) León 24 horas publishes an article on the discovery of new antibiotics in human microbiome.
September 6 – (in Spanish) El Cronista covers the scientific studies analyzing the number of microbes in food we eat and their coexistence in human bodies.
September 6 – (in Spanish) Ahora León writes an article on the discovery of new antibiotics in human microbiome by César de la Fuente and team.
September 5 – (in Spanish) Universidad de León writes an article on the discovery of new antibiotics from human microbiome.
September 5 – (in Spanish) Tribuna de León publishes an article on the work of César de la Fuente and team to discover new antibiotics in human microbiome.
September 4 – SciTechDaily publishes a piece on the surprising origin of the next super antibiotic.
September 4 –Financial Times writes a piece on molecular de-extinction.
September 2 –Science Alert features an article on promising new nntibiotics hidden in human gut microbiomes.
September 2 – (in Spanish) El Comercio writes an article on the work of César de la Fuente and team looking for new antibiotics in extinct organisms.
August 31 – (in Spanish) 800 noticias publishes an article on the search of new antibiotics in extinct organisms.
August 31 – (in Spanish) Head Topics shares an article on César de la Fuente.
August 31 – (in Spanish) Proceso Digital publishes a piece on César de la Fuente.
August 31 – (in Spanish) Agencia EFE publishes an article on César de la Fuente.
August 30 – (in Spanish) Cadena Ser features an article on César de la Fuente.
August 30 – (in Spanish) yahoo Finanzas publishes an article on César de la Fuente.
August 30 – (in Spanish) MSN publishes an article on César de la Fuente.
August 30 – (in Spanish) Infobae features an article on César de la Fuente.
August 29 – (in Spanish) El País publishes a piece on the hidden arsenal of billions of microbes inhabiting human bodies.
August 29 – (in Spanish) MUNDODIARIO writes an article the new avenues to fight against resistant bacteria.
August 29 – (in Dutch) FOODLOG publishes an article on the discovery of potential antibiotics inside the human gut.
August 27 – César de la Fuente has been honored with the Miklós Bondanszky Award 2024 at the 37th European Peptide Symposium.
August 27 – (in Spanish) Antena 3 covers the work of a Galician researcher to identify new antibiotics by analizing human microbiome.
August 26 –Drugs Control Media Services publishes a piece on the human gut microbiome as a source of new antibiotics.
August 26 –Penn Today publishes an article on the discovery of new antibiotics inside the human gut.
August 26 – (in Spanish) La Voz de Galicia features an article on a Galician researcher who is pioneering innovative methods for discovering antibiotics in the United States..
August 26 – (in Spanish) Diario de León writes a piece on the uncoming new series of Scientific Current Affairs organized by the Universtiy of León.
August 26 –Head Topics covers the discovery of new antibiotic peptides within the human gut microbiome.
August 25 –News Medical Life Sciences publishes a piece on the human gut microbiome as a source of new antibiotic peptides.
August 25 – (in Spanish) Crónica writes an article on the discovery of hundreds of potential antibiotics within the human microbiome.
August 25 –The European Peptide Society publishes an article on Miklós Bodanszky Award 2024 awarded to César de la Fuente.
August 23 – (in French) Nouvelles du monde covers the search of new antibiotics in human microbiome.
August 23 –MDedge writes a piece on the discovery of new antibiotics inside the human gut.
August 22 –Medscape publishes a piece on the next frontier in antibiotic discovery.
August 22 – (in Japanese) Nipponese news covers the discovery of new antibioticks within the human gut.
August 22 – (in Italian) La Repubblica publishes an article on the search of new antibiotics in the microbiota.
August 22 –Laboratory Equipment writes an article on the discovery of new antibiotics inside the human gut.
August 22 – (in German) Bioworld publishes a piece on the discovery of new peptide antibiotics from the human microbiome.
August 21 – (in German) Pharmazeutische Zeitung writes a piece on the hunt for antibiotics in the gut.
August 21 –MSN publishes an article on the power of gut bacteria to combat drug resistance.
August 21 – (in Spanish) Universidad de León announces the participation of César de la Fuente in the Scientific Current Affairs series next October.
August 21 – (in Spanish) ileón informs about the uncoming Sicentific Current Affairs series that will be held at the University of León.
August 21 – (in Spanish) León Noticias covers the participation of twelve prestigious speakers in the Scientific Current Affairs series at the University of León.
August 20 – (in Spanish) Infobae writes a piece on the potential of human microbiome as a source of new antibiotics.
August 20 – (in Spanish) Agencia guatemalteca de noticias publishes an article on the hundreds of potential antibiotics within the human microbiome.
August 20 – (in Spanish) Infosalus writes an article on the potential of human gut as a source of new antibiotics.
August 20 – (in Spanish) iSanidad publishes a piece on human gut microbiome being the key to the development of new antibiotics.
August 20 – (in Spanish) Cadena Ser covers the discovery of new drugs in unexpected places such as a toxic snail or human gut.
August 20 – (in Spanish) Página 12 writes a piece on how to combat multiresistant bacteria.
August 20 –MedicineNet publishes an article on the gut being a potential source of powerful new antibiotics.
August 20 –MSN covers the discovery of new antibiotics from the human gut microbiome.
August 20 –Nature writes an article on gut microbes’ genomes as a trove of potential antibiotics.
August 19 – (in Spanish) Análisis urbano writes a piece on the discovery of potential antibiotics within the human microbiome.
August 19 – (in Spanish) El Testigo covers the potential of human microbiome as a source of new antibiotics.
August 19 – (in Spanish) La Revista Diaria writes an article on the identification of potential antibiotics within the human microbiome.
August 19 – (in Spanish) Qué pasa media publishes a piece on the discovery of hundreds of potential antibiotics within the human microbiome.
August 19 – (in Spanish) Pulso Diario de San Luis covers the discovery of potential antibiotics within the human microbiome.
August 19 – (in Spanish) Montevideo portal writes an article on the identification of potential antibiotics within the human microbiome.
August 19 – (in Spanish) Forbes MX publishes an article on the potential use of human microbiome as a source of new antibiotics.
August 19 – (in Spanish) Swissinfo.ch writes a piece on the identification of hundreds of potential antibiotics within the human microbiome.
August 19 – (in Spanish) Eldiario.es publishes a piece on the identification of hundreds of molecules within the human microbiome as potential antibiotics.
August 19 – (in Spanish) El Tiempo MX covers the potential use of human gut as a source of new antibiotics.
August 19 – (in Spanish) La Vanguardia publishes an article on the identification of hundreds of molecules within the human microbiome as potential antibiotics.
August 19 – (in Spanish) Infobae writes an article on the microbiome as a potential source of antibiotics.
August 19 – (in Galician) GCiencia publishes a piece on César de la Fuente and team finding 55 potential antibiotics in the human microbiome.
August 19 – (in Spanish) Diario Libre writes a piece on the discovery of hundreds of molecules within the human microbiome as potential antibiotics.
August 19 – (in Catalan) Cat3 covers the discovery of a promising pathway to find natural antibiotics in the human microbiome.
August 19 – (in Spanish) Crónica México publishes an article on the identification of hundreds of molecules within the human microbiome as potential antibiotics.
August 19 –US News writes an article on the potential use gut microbiomne as a source of powerful new antibiotics.
August 19 – (in Spanish) Faro de Vigo interviews César de la Fuente regarding the publication of the latest discovery on the potential use of the human gut microbiome as a source of antibiotics.
August 19 – (in Spanish) La Opinión A Coruña interviews César de la Fuente about the latest findings on the human gut microbiome as a source of potential antibiotics.
August 19 – (in Spanish) Agencia EFE covers the identification of numerous compounds within the human microbiome as promising candidates for antibiotic development.
August 19 –News Medical Life Sciences publishes an article on the discovery of new antibiotics from the human gut microbiome.
August 19 –UPI writes a piece on human gut being a source of powerful new antibiotics.
August 19 – GEN publishes a piece on the finding that compounds from the human gut microbiome could fight drug-resistant bacteria.
August 19 –EurekAlert! covers the discovery of new antibiotics inside the human gut by mining the microbiome.
August 19 –Helathday writes an article on the gut being a dource of powerful new antibiotics.
August 19 –Science Blog publishes an article on new antibiotics discovered in human gut that could combat drug-resistant bacteria.
August 19 –Science Blog publishes an article on new antibiotics discovered in human gut that could combat drug-resistant bacteria.
August 19 –Phys.org writes a piece on the human gut microbiome as a source of new antibiotics.
August 19 –Penn Engineering AI publishes a piece on the discovery of new antibiotics by mining human gut microbiome.
August 19 –Penn Engineering Today covers the discobery of new antibiotics inside the human gut.
August 19 –Technology Networks writes an article on new antibiotics discovered in human gut microbiome.
August 19 – Congratulations to Marcelo D.T. Torres, Angela Cesaro, César de la Fuente and the whole team on the publication of the article “Mining human microbiomes reveals an untapped source of peptide antibiotics” in Cell. A great collaboration with Ami Bhatt’s Lab.
August 15 – César de la Fuente and Luis Pedro Coelho take part in Reddit’s AskScience AMA to answer questions about the latest research on molecular de-extinction published in Nature Biomedical Engineering.
August 15 – Congratulations to Marcelo D.T. Torres, Angela Cesaro, César de la Fuente and the whole team on the publication of the article “Mining human microbiomes reveals an untapped source of peptide antibiotics” in Cell. A great collaboration with Ami Bhatt’s Lab.
August 13 –Nature writes an article on Five ways science is tackling the antibiotic resistance crisis.
August 13 – Congratulations to Marcelo D.T. Torres and César de la Fuente on the publication of the article “Dual quorum-sensing control of purine biosynthesis drives pathogenic fitness of Enterococcus faecalis” in bioRxiv.
August 12 – Congratulations to César de la Fuente on the publication of the article “Interfacial rheology of lanthanide binding peptide surfactants at the air–water interface” in Soft Matter.
August 12 – (In Spanish) 25 Visionaries Shaping the Future of Artificial Intelligence – by Newsweek
August 11 – (In Spanish) Hora 14 covers the uresolved challenges of retaining talent and stabilizing research staff in Galicia on Cadena Ser.
August 9 – Congratulations to César de la Fuente on the publication of the editorial article “Editorial: Machine learning approaches to antimicrobials: discovery and resistance” in Frontiers.
August 8 – Congratulations to Marcelo D.T. Torres and César de la Fuente on the publication of the article “Computational Design of Pore-Forming Peptides with Potent Antimicrobial and Anticancer Activities” in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.
August 8 – (In Spanish) La Razón writes an article on the Big bang of antibiotics.
August 5 – Congratulations to César de la Fuente on the publication of the article “Neuromicrobiology Comes of Age: The Multifaceted Interactions between the Microbiome and the Nervous System” in ACS Chemical Neuroscience.
August 4 – (In Spanish) Radio Exterior de España publishes a piece on Brain drain: researchers and nurses abroad on RTVE.
August 3 – (In Spanish) El Semanal publishes an article on the discovery of antibiotics in Neanderthal’s molecules.
August 3 – (In Spanish) Xataca publishes a piece on molecular de-extinction to discover new antibiotics.
August 2 – (In Spanish) César de la Fuente is interviewed on the radio show “A golpe de bit” on RTVE.
August 1 – Congratulations to César de la Fuente on the publication of the article “From Data to Decisions: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Combating Antimicrobial Resistance – a Comprehensive Review” in Journal of Medical Systems.
July 16 –Sequencer publishes a piece on how new drugs can be discovered in the animals of the past.
July 2 –KeAi interviews César de la Fuente for Bioactive Materials’ Editor Interview.
June 27 – (In German) Heise Medien publishes a piece on the discovery of thousands of potential antibiotics using AI.
June 27 –The Scientist writes an article on harnessing the power of AI to design novel antibiotics.
June 21 –SciTechDaily publishes an article on the largest-ever discovery effort to uncover 800,000 new antibiotic candidates.
June 21 – (In Spanish) Diario de Valladolid writes a piece on AI combatting infections.
June 19 –Techinsider publishes an article on AI finding nearly a million new potential antibiotics that can target resistant bacteria.
June 18 – Congratulations to César de la Fuente on the publication of the article “Carbon-Based Nanomaterials for Antiviral Applications” in Advanced Functional Materials.
June 18 – (In Spanish) Cadena Cope interviews César de la Fuente on his work to combat superbugs.
June 18 – (In Spanish) Grupo Marmor writes a piece on AI resurrecting extinct molecules to create antibiotics.
June 18 –Hindustan Times publishes a piece on how AI is paving the way for antibiotic discovery.
June 17 – (In Spanish) César de la Fuente is interviewed on the radio show “Herrera en la Cope” on Cope.
June 17 – (In Spanish) César de la Fuente is interviewed on the radio show “La Rosa de los Vientos” on Onda Cero.
June 16 – (In Spanish) Elciudadano.com publishes an article on AI resurrecting molecules from extinct creatures to create antibiotics.
June 15 – (In Spanish) Noticias & Protagonistas writes an article on the use of AI to revive molecules and create antibiotics.
June 15 – (In Spanish) ContraRéplica covers the reviving of extinct molecules with AI to create antibiotics.
June 15 – (In Spanish) Alumni León publishes an article on César de la Fuente’s innovative research.
June 15 –The Telegraph writes an article on antibiotics created from extinct species to fight infections.
June 14 –El imparcial publishes an article on the identification of nearly 1M antibiotics in nature thanks to AI.
June 14 –Smart Factory Magazine publishes a piece on the use of AI to combat antibiotic resistance.
June 14 – (In Spanish) Revista Flow publishes an article on AI reviving mammoth molecules.
June 14 –Penn Bioengineering Blog publishes a piece on looking to AI to solve antibiotic resistance.
June 14 – (In Spanish) Merca2 writes an article about the use of AI to generate more resistant antibiotics.
June 13 – (In Spanish) Sputnik publihes an article about César de la Fuente discovering almost limitless sources of new antibiotics, even in extinct organisms.
June 13 – (In Spanish) El Diario. writes an article on the discovery of new antibiotic molecules in extinct organisms thanks to AI.
June 13 – (In Spanish) El Confidencial Digital publishes a piece referring to César de la Fuente’s discovery of potential new antibiotics in extint organisms.
June 12 – (In Spanish) El Nacional writes a piece on AI finding nearly a million possible natural antibiotics.
June 12 –News Medical Lifes Sciences writes an article on deep learning reviving ancient peptides to battle antibiotic resistance.
June 12 –Swarajya writes an article on AI to the rescue in fight against antibiotic resistance.
June 12 –PHYS.ORG publishes an article on researchers looking to AI to solve antibiotic resistance.
June 12 – (In Spanish) Muy interesante writes an article on César de la Fuente’s research to revive molecules from mammoths to create new antibiotics.
June 12 – (In Japanese) Nipponese news publishes an article on César de la Fuente an his team reviving mammoth molecules to create antibiotics.
June 12 – (In Spanish) El Mundo writes an article on César de la Fuente looking for new antibiotics by ‘resurrecting’ molecules from extinct organisms.
June 12 – (In Spanish) News ES.Euro publishes an article on César de la Fuente revolutionizing the search for new antibiotics.
June 12 – (In Spanish) Crónica El Español writes an article mentioning the finding of potential antibiotics thanks to a new AI model.
June 12 – (In Spanish) La Opinión A Coruña publishes an article on De la Fuente and his team discovering with AI thousands of antibiotics in extinct organisms.
June 12 – (In Spanish) Huffington Post writes an article on César de la Fuente revolutionizing the search for new antibiotics.
June 11 –Elblog.pl covers the discovery of trove of potential antibiotics thanks to AI.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Zócalo writes an article on AI reviving molecules from extinct organisms to create antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) El Tiempo publishes an article on how AI was used to resurrect molecules from creatures of the past to create antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) yahoo! finanzas publishes an article on the discovery of potencial antibiotics by reviving molecules from extinct organisms.
June 11 – (In Spanish) 20 minutos publishes an article about the resurrection of extinct molecules to create antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) WIRED writes an article on an AI uses mammoth molecules to create more effective antibiotics.
June 11 –D1SoftballNews publishes an article on César de la Fuente leading a study that uses AI to discover almost a million new antibiotics in just a few hours.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Vanguardia MX covers the resurrection of molecules from extinct organisms to create antibiotics.
June 11 – Penn Today publishes an article on looking to AI to solve antibiotic resistance.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Diario de Morelos writes an article about AI reviving molecules from extinct animals to combat antibiotic resistance.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Doce TV publishes an article on AI reviving molecules from creatures of the past to create antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Análisis Urbano covers the discovery of potential antibiotics thanks to AI reviving molecules of creatures from the past.
June 11 – (In French) Nouvelles du Monde publishes an article on César de la Fuente resurrecting molecules to create antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) FORBES México writes a piece on AI reviving molecules from extinct species to advance in the creation of antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Diario de la Mancha writes an article about mammoth molecules as a new hope against infections.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Artículos Clave publishes an article about reviving molecules from the past with the help of AI.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Diario de la Mancha writes an article about mammoth molecules as a new hope against infections.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Diario Médico publishes an article on new antibiotic candidates found through AI in extinct organisms.
June 11 – (In Spanish) El Debate Galicia publishes an article on César de la Fuente’s discovery of nearly a million new antibiotic molecules in a few hours with AI.
June 11 – (In Spanish) La Jornada Maya covers the discovery of potentian antibiotics in extinct organisms.
June 11 – (In Spanish) El Sol de México writes a piece on the resurrection of molecules from extinct organisms to create new antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) MSN publishes a piece on AI resurrecting molecules of creatures from the past to create antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Columna Digital covers the discovery of potential antimicrobials from extinct organisms.
June 11 – (In Spanish) ABC publishes an article on César de la Fuente reviving mammoth molecules to create antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) López Dóriga Digital writes an article on AI resurrecting molecules from creatures of the past to create antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Infobae publishes a piece on AI reviving molecules from creatures of the past to create antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) TVE interviews César de la Fuente on molecular de-extinction research and the use of AI for antibiotic discovery.
June 11 – (In Spanish) GCiencia writes an article on César de la Fuente’s research resuscitating molecules from mammoths and other extinct animals to create antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) MUNDIARIO publishes an article on the discovery of potential antimicrobial molecules in extinct mammoths as a hope against future infections.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Radio Catalunya covers the discovery of potential antibiotics extracted from the remains of extinct animals.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Notas de prensa writes an article on AI reviving molecules to produce antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) NewS ES EURO publishes a piece on AI reviving molecules to create antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) La Voz de Galicia writes a piece about César de la Fuente reviving mammoth molecules to create new antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) La Vanguardia publishes an article on wew antibiotics found in extinct animals such as the mammoth thanks to AI.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Faro de Vigo covers the discovery of thousands of antibiotics in extinct organisms with AI by De la Fuente and his team.
June 11 – (In Spanish) El País publishes an article on AI reviving mammoth molecules to create antibiotics.
June 11 – (In Spanish) Antena 3 publishes an article about César de la Fuente leading a study that discovers almost one million new antibiotics in a few hours through AI.
June 10 – Singularity Hub publishes a piece on the discovery of nearly a million potential antibiotics with AI to take out superbugs.
June 10 – (In Spanish) Cambio 22 writes an article about the discovery of almos 1M potential antibiotics.
June 10 – (In Spanish) El Correo del Sol writes an article about the discovery of nearly a million peptides in nature that could serve as antibiotics.
June 10 – (In Spanish) La Jornada San Luis covers the discovery of almost 1M of new potential antibiotics.
June 10 – (In Spanish) iSanidad writes an article on the development of antibiotics designed by artificial intelligence marking the beginning of a new era in infectious diseases.
June 10 – (In Spanish) Prensa Latina writes an article on AI identifying nearly a million future antibiotics in nature.
June 10 – (In Spanish) El Cronista covers the discovery of millions of new antibiotics hidden in nature.
June 10 –Newsbeezer writes an article on AI identifying nearly a million future antibiotics in nature
June 9 –Asharq News covers the discovery of one million potential sources of new antibiotics.
June 8 – (In Spanish) Crónica web writes an article about thousands of sources of new antibiotics to combat superbugs found using artificial intelligence.
June 8 – (In Spanish) dpl News publishes a piece about researchers using AI to solve global problem of antibiotic resistance.
June 7 –(In Spanish) Fuser News publishes an article on AI identifying nearly a million potential natural antibiotics.
June 7 – (In Spanish) Cerebro Digital writes a piece about AI predicting the possibility of creating new antibiotics.
June 7 – Penn Engineering Blog publishes an article on AI to accelerate antibiotic discovery.
June 7 – Penn Engineering Today covers the largest-ever antibiotic discovery effort using AI to uncover potential cures in microbial dark matter.
June 7 – (In Spanish) Madrid publishes an article on the identification of a new catalogue of molecules to combat superbugs.
June 7 – The Indian Express writes a piece on scientists beating antimicrobial resistance.
June 6 – (In Catalan) 3cat publishes an article on a new approach against antibiotic resistance.
June 6 –WRPI covers the discovery of new potential antibiotics with AI.
June 6 – (In Spanish) RTVE Galicia interviews César de la Fuente about his reserarch on AI antibiotic discovery.
June 6 – Vozpópuli writes a piece about the discovery of new potential antibiotics to combat superbugs.
June 6 – (In Spanish) RTVE Galicia interviews César de la Fuente about his reserarch on AI antibiotic discovery.
June 6 – Mirage News publishes an article on the discovery of almost a million potential sources of antibiotics in the natural world.
June 6 – Deutsche Welle publishes an article on the possibility that scientists are finally beating antimicrobial resistance.
June 6 – (In Spanish) La Opinión A Coruña publishes an article on our discovery of nearly 1M potential antimicrobial molecules in global microbiome using AI.
June 6 – (In Spanish) La Opinión A Coruña publishes an article on our discovery of nearly 1M potential antimicrobial molecules in global microbiome using AI.
June 6 – GENENG NEWS covers our discovery of a treasure trove of antimicrobial Peptides using machine learning.
June 6 – (In Spanish) EITB covers our discovery of almost 1M potential antimicrobials.
June 6 – (In Spanish) MUNDIARIO publishes an article on the discovery of 860,000 new antibiotic molecules.
June 6 –DNYUZ publishes an article on the use of AI to discover new antibiotics.
June 6 –Lab Manager covers the largest-ever antibiotic discovery project to uncover potential cures.
June 6 –Lab + Life Scientist publishes an article on the identification of over 800,000 antimicrobial peptides with machine learning.
June 6 –focus.ua wirtes an article on the discovery os a large number of sources of antibiotics thanks to AI.
June 5 –Pledge Times writes a piece on the largest catalog of new antibiotic molecules revealed.
June 5 –Health Medicine Network publishes an article on the finding of almost a million potential sources of next-gen antibiotics in the natural world.
June 5 –Medical News Life Sciences publishes a piece on Artificial intelligence accelerating natural-product antibiotic discovery.
June 5 –Sciencenewsnet covers the largest-ever antibiotic discovery effort using AI to uncover potential cures in microbial dark matter
June 5 –KURL8 publishes a piece on the discovery of plethora of potential sources for new antibiotics using AI.
June 5 –Menastar writes an article on the finding of plethora or potential antibiotics using AI.
June 5 –WFMZ covers the finding of plethora of potential sources for new antibiotics to fight superbugs using AI.
June 5 –SCIENMAG publishes an article on unlocking the world around us for next-gen antibiotics.
June 5 –SCIENMAG writes an article on the Largest-ever antibiotic discovery effort uses AI to uncover potential cures in microbial dark matter.
June 5 –The Microbiologist covers the largest-ever antibiotic dicovery effort using AI.
June 5 – Bioengineer. org writes an article on unlocking the world around us to discover next-gen antibiotics.
June 5 –Science Magazine publishes a pice on the largest-ever antibiotic discovery effort using AI to uncover potential cures in microbial dark matter.
June 5 – Live Forever Club writes a piece about AI speeding up search for new potential antibiotic candidates.
June 5 – (In Spanish) El Periódico publishes an article on the identification of nearly 1 M potential antibiotics.
June 5 –SCIENCE DAILY publishes an article on the largest-ever antibiotic discovery effort uses AI to uncover potential cures in microbial dark matter.
June 5 – (In Spanish) Diario de Pontevedra writes a piece on the participation of César de la Fuente in the discovery of nearly one million potential antimicrobials using AI.
June 5 – (In Spanish) Diario de Tarragona publishes an article on the identification of nearly 1M unknown antimicrobial molecules.
June 5 – (In Spanish) ARA publishes an article on the revolutionary leap in the search for new antibiotics.
June 5 – (In Spanish) MSN publishes a piece on the identification of almost 1M potential antibiotics.
June 5 –EUREKALERT publishes a piece on the unlocking of the world around us to discover next-gen antibiotics.
June 5 –Penn Medicine publishes a piece on the largest-ever antibiotic discovery effort using AI to uncover potential cures in microbial dark matter.
June 5 –MEDIUM publishes an article on the groundbreaking study using AI to predict potential new antibiotics.
June 5 – (In Spanish) El Nuevo Diario publishes an article on the identification of nearly 1M potential antimicrobials.
June 5 –SCIENCE DAILY covers the unlocking of the world around us to discover next-gen antibiotics.
June 5 – (In Spanish) FORBES México publishes an article on the discovery of nearly 1M potential antibiotics using AI.
June 5 – (In Spanish) La Voz de Galicia includes in the daily news podcast the discovery of almost 1M potential antibiotics.
June 5 – (In Spanish) EUROPAPRESS GALICIA publishes an article on the participation of César de la Fuente in the discovery of nearly 1M potential antibiotics.
June 5 –ZME Science publishes an article on the uncover of nearly one million potential antibiotics to fight drug-resistant superbugs.
June 5 – (In Spanish) Diario de los Andes writes a piece on the identification of almost 1M potencial antibiotics.
June 5 – (In Spanish) El Progreso publishes an article on the participation of César de la Fuente in the discovery of almost 1M antimicobial molecules.
June 5 – (In Spanish) GALICIAPRESS writes an article on the participation of César de la Fuente in the discovery of almost 1M potential antimicrobials.
June 5 – (In Spanish) Faro de Vigo publishes an article on our dicovery of potencial new antimicrobials in the global microbiome using AI.
June 5 – (In Spanish) El Quincemil publishes an article on César de la Fuente’s participation in the discovery of new antibiotics using IA.
June 5 – (In Spanish) NEWS ES EURO publishes a piece on our discovery of almost 1M potential antibiotics using AI.
June 5 – (In Spanish) MEDICALXPRESS writes an article on our research finding almost a million potential sources of next-gen antibiotics in the natural world.
June 5 – PHYS.ORG publishes a piece on our discovery of potential new antibiotics in the global microbiome using AI.
June 5 – (In Spanish) yahoo! finanzas publishes an article on our discovery of almost 1 M potencial antibiotics.
June 5 – (In Spanish) El imparcial publishes an article on our AI-driven discovery of almost 1 M potencial antimicrobials.
June 5 – The Guardian covers our discovery of almost 1 M potential antibiotics and the creation of AMPSphere.
June 5 – (In Spanish) El País publishes an article on AMPSphere.
June 2 – (In Spanish) ASOMEGA publishes an article on César de la Fuente’s induction as ingresa Corresponding Academic at the Royal Academy Pharmacy of Galicia.
May 23 – (In Spanish) Cadena Ser interviews Cesar de la Fuente on molecular de-extinction research for antibiotic discovery.
May 23 – César de la Fuente gives a talk at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
May 22 – (In Spanish) La Voz de Galicia publishes an article on César de la Fuente’s induction as member of the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Galicia.
May 22 – (In Spanish) La Opinión de A Coruña publishes an article on César de la Fuente’s induction as member of the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Galicia.
May 8 – (In Spanish) César de la Fuente talks to ABC about GoogleDeep Mind’s AlphaFold 3.
April 29 – César de la Fuente shares the latest work in AI for antibiotic discovery at Lisbon Medical Academic Center in Portugal.
April 24 – Listen here to the Penn Engineering Innovation and Impact Podcast with Cesar de la Fuente discussing our research .
April 21 – César de la Fuente delivers a seminar at 2024 ASIP annual meeting in Baltimore to talk about Artificial Intelligence for Antibiotic Discovey
April 12 – (In Spanish) ABC writes an article about the threats of unethical artificial intelligence and interviews César de la Fuente
April 7 – (In Spanish) El Nuevo Día from Puerto Rico publishes an interview with César de la Fuente
April 3 – Listen here to the podcast On Tech Ethics! episode with Cesar de la Fuente discussing our research and some related ethical considerations.
April 3 – César de la Fuente gives a talk on “AI for antibiotic discovery” and chat with future students at the Lower Merion High School’s Ace Scholars Seminar
April 2 – César de la Fuente gives a lecture on our latest AI antibiotics work at PennFERBS
March 30 – (In Spanish) César de la Fuente interviewed by El Quincemil
March 15 – (In Spanish) TecScience publishes an article about antibiotics and our AI work
March 14 – César de la Fuente shares our latest work in AI for antibiotic discovery at the 2024 IIZD Symposium
March 14 – (In Spanish) El Diario de León writes an article on César de la Fuente´s selection as the US representative of the Global Young Academy
March 12 – César de la Fuente delivers a seminar hosted by the Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors group at the ICREA
March 12 – (In Spanish) The Huffington Post publishes an article on César de la Fuente’s selection as the US representative at de Global Young Academy
March 11 – (In Spanish) El Quincemil publishes an article on the work developed by Lucía Ageitos at De La Fuente Lab
March 9 – César de la Fuente gives a keynote on “Future RX: Power of AI and the revolution of Medicine for Gen Z” in an event organized by the Ghana Medical Student Association
March 8 – The New York Times publishes an article about the scientific agreement to prevent AI Bioweapons, signed and supported by César de la Fuente
February 26 – Our sustainable and low-cost diagnostic biosensors work was featured in The New York Times.
February 26 – (In Spanish) Quincemil publishes an article on César de la Fuente’s selection as member of the 2024 Class of Global Young Academy Inductees
January 17 – Cell Reports Physical Science selected our paper “Structure-function-guided design of synthetic peptides with anti-infective activity derived from wasp venom” as a “Hot paper” of 2023
November 18 – (In Spanish) Our research on molecular de-extinction is the topic of this episode of the Cadena SER Podcast
November 14 – (In Spanish) Listen here to a podcast Las Tarde episode with Cesar de la Fuente discussing our research.
November 7 – University of Pennsylvania Almanac article on Cesar de la Fuente’s selection as a 2023 Emerging Leader in Health and Medicine (ELHM) Scholar by the National Academy of Medicine (NAM).
November 6 – (In Spanish) El Diario Spain interviews Cesar de la Fuente on molecular de-extinction research.
November 4 – (In Spanish) El Nacional publishes article about molecular de-extinction research
October 30 – NPR interviews Cesar de la Fuente on the emerging field of molecular de-extinction.
October 29 – (In Spanish) Watch or listen to Radio el Respeto interview of Cesar de la Fuente, PI of the Machine Biology Group, conducted by renowned journalist Pablo Fuente.
October 25 – STAT news interviews Cesar de la Fuente on molecular de-extinction research and the use of AI for antibiotic discovery.
October 13 – (In Spanish) PI of the Machine Biology Group, Cesar de la Fuente was interviewed for the podcast Las 3 Principales, on the episode titled “La Ciencia de los Antibióticos”.
October 11 – Congratulations to Angelica and Cesar on the publication “Antibiotic identified by AI” in Nature Chemical Biology.
October 10 – (In Spanish) GCiencia publishes an article on our research on molecular de-extinction.
August 16 – Congratulations to Shuangzhe Lin and César de la Fuente on their article on “The emerging field of digital antibiotic discovery” on REVIVE GARDP. A special recognition for Lin for his great work on this article.
August 8 – Our latest work on molecular de-extinction was covered in a Preview for Cell Host & Microbe.
August 4 – (In Spanish) César de la Fuente was interviewed by the Aragón Radio podcast on the latest work from the team on molecular de-extinction.
August 3 – (In Spanish) Our molecular de-extinction paper was covered by numerous news outlets including Rosario3, La Razón, Nius Diario, y Xataka.
August 3 – Our latest research on molecular de-extinction of antibiotics was featured on NBC.
August 2 – (In Spanish) Our molecular de-extinction work was covered by History Latinoamérica.
August 1 – The Science Times reports on our research on molecular de-extinction.
August 1 – Our work was covered by Sigal Samuel of Vox, who writes “Using AI, scientists bring Neanderthal antibiotics back from extinction”.
July 31 – Our research on molecular de-extinction was covered by The AI Breakdown in a 7-minute video.
July 31 – (In Spanish) Our molecular de-extinction work was covered by Newsweek.
July 31 – (In Spanish) Científicos estudian moléculas de nuestros antepasados para crear nuevos antibióticos – Yahoo.
March 31 – Digital Discovery published the review article titled Deep generative models for peptide design. It was written by de la Fuente Lab members Fangping Wan and Daphne Kontogiorgos-Heintz. Congratulations Fangping and Daphne!
March 11 – ACS in Focus published Machine Learning for Drug Discovery, a book developed in the de la Fuente Lab that acts as a primer for students new to Machine Learning.
February 12 – El País published an interview with Cesar de la Fuente about his ongoing projects and scientific research within the Machine Biology Group.
February 4 – Voz de America published an article and video interview with Cesar de la Fuente about the low-cost COVID-19 antigen tests developed by the lab.
January 25 – RTVE Noticias interviewed Cesar de la Fuente for a video about the de la Fuente Lab’s development of COVID-19 tests.
November 24 – Cesar de la Fuente is on Clarivate’s 2021 annual list of Highly Cited Researchers, a list of the most highly cited scientists in the past decade with publications that are among the top one percent in the citation distribution in their fields.
November 15 – El Pais published an article about the research in our Nature BME paper as well as an article describing a variety of research on the human proteome by different groups including the de la Fuente Lab.
November 4 – GCiencia and AAAS published information about the de la Fuente lab’s work discovering encrypted antibiotics in the human proteome that is featured in our latest Nature BME paper.
September 26 – An article on antibiotic resistance and artificial intelligence published on Medium refers to the de la Fuente Lab’s publication in Communications Biology on the same topic.
September 1 – Three University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. rotation students join the de la Fuente Lab: Patrick Exconde (BMB), Hannah Kim (BMB) and Jacqueline Peng (BE).
September 1 – Professor Katya Anaya from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil joins the de la Fuente Lab through the Fulbright Scholar Program for a project on food preservation and safety.
May 11-17 – Numerous media outlets, including La Voz de Galicia, GCiencia, La Opinion, ABC interviewed Cesar and covered the recent announcement of his ACS Infectious Diseases Young Investigators Award.
May 16 – Marcelo publishes a new paper in Bioengineering & Translational Medicine describing the previously undisclosed antiplasmodial and anticancer properties of venom from wasps.
May 8 – Lucia Ageitos and Cesar de la Fuente published an article in the Spanish newspaper La Opinion discussing the challenges of COVID-19 for science and our society as a whole.
October 31 – Cesar gave a keynote lecture at the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Young Investigators Award.
October 29-30 – Cesar was invited to be the chair at the AlChE Annual Meeting – Microbes at Biomedical Interfaces Topical Conference in Orlando, FL.
October 25 – Cesar was invited to give a talk at the Penn Institute of Immunology RIP Seminar Series.
October 14 – Cesar was selected by the editors of the Journal of Molecular Biology as one of the most remarkable early career researchers able to inspire and shape the direction of their respective fields.
October 10 – Cesar was invited to give a talk at I International Microiota Conference in A Coruna.
December 7 – Cesar is invited to give a talk at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Boston Area Antibiotic Resistance Network. The Starr Center 185 Cambridge St, Boston, MA, USA.
November 16-17 – Cesar is invited to give the Keynote Address at the XLV Reunión Anual SOGAPAR. Ferrol, Galicia, Spain.
November 7-8 – Cesar is invited to give a talk at the Penn 5th Microbiome Symposium. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
October 18 – Cesar is invited to give a talk at the Microbial Systems Seminar Series at MIT. Cambridge, MA, USA.
October 11 – Cesar is invited to give a talk at the Penn Psychiatry Research Day. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
October 9 – Cesar is invited to give a talk at the MIT Biological Engineering Retreat in Boston, MA, USA.
May 30 – Cesar is invited to give the Keynote Address, Annual Infectious Diseases Consortium (IDC) retreat at the Harvard Infectious Diseases Consortium. Harvard Medical School. Boston, MA, USA.
April – Cesar is invited to give a talk at University of Pennsylvania.
March – Cesar is invited to give a talk at Cornell University.
March – Cesar is invited to give a talk at University of Colorado Boulder.
March – Cesar is invited to give a talk at Colorado State University.
March – Cesar is invited to give a talk at University of California, Berkeley.
February – Cesar is invited to give a talk at Carnegie Mellon University.
February – Cesar is invited to give a talk at Vanderbilt University.
February – Cesar is invited to give a talk at Boston University.
January – Cesar is invited to give a talk at Boston College.
November – Cesar was featured in a Spanish documentary about antibiotic resistance. Here are the trailerand a section of the documentary.
November – Cesar is Interviewed by Dr. Stephen Hoare and Dr. Sophie Rose during the 8th International Meeting on Antimicrobial Peptides (IMAP 2017) in Copenhagen in August 2017.
November – Cesar is invited to attend the 2017 Boston Latino 30 Under 30 ceremony.
October – Cesar attends the Boston Area Antibiotic Resistance Network Annual Meeting 2017 at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
June – Our new review on precision antimicrobials is out in Current Opinion in Microbiology. Great collaboration with Francis Mojica, co-discoverer of CRISPR.
April – Our latest work describing a genetic algorithm-based computational approach for “evolving” naturally occurring peptides into “artificial” antibiotic candidates is published in Nature Communications.
April – Cesar is invited to give an Invited Seminar at Penn State University, PA, USA.
March – Cesar is selected as an ACS Nano Fellow and is invited to the first ACS Nano Kavli Futures Symposium. ACS Nano Kavli Futures Symposium. University of California-Los Angeles, CA, USA.