December 2 – Prof. de la Fuente's Awards and Accolades are highlighted by Penn Medicine News.
November – Our paper describing the first antibiotics discovered in ancient organisms is covered by the Spanish media.
November 15 – Our paper describing the first antibiotics discovered in ancient organisms is published in bioRxiv.
November 15 – Prof. de la Fuente is named a Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate.
November 10 – The de la Fuente lab's work mining the human proteome to identify novel antibiotics is covered by Diane Williams from DTRA.
October 26 – Prof. de la Fuente was invited by NIH to participate in a roundup post focused on antibiotic resistance.
September 21 – The National Institute of General Medical Sciences' Biomedical Beat Blog published an interview with Cesar de la Fuente.
August 23 – A review by the de la Fuente Lab titled Molecular tools for probing the microbiome was published in Current Opinion in Structural Biology.
August 4 – Chemical Science published the paper titled An N-capping asparagine-lysine-proline (NKP) motif contributes to a hybrid flexible/stable multifunctional peptide scaffold that was led by Octavio Franco and David Craik's groups and that the de la Fuente Lab contributed to.
July 18 – Biomaterials published Debulking different Corona (SARS-COV-2 delta, omicron, OC43) and influenza (H1N1, H3N2) virus strains by plant viral trap proteins in chewing gums to decrease infection and transmission, a project led by the Daniell Lab that the de la Fuente Lab contributed to.
June 16 – Medical News Today published an article titled Algorithm finds natural, unresistable antibiotic hiding in bacteria regarding the research outlined in this paper published in Science that includes an interview with Prof. de la Fuente regarding drug-resistant bacteria.
June 2 – Postdoctoral fellow Angelica Cesaro, Ph.D., received the Second Place CiPD Image Award at the 2022 Center for Innovation & Precision Dentistry (CIPD) Symposium for her poster on the ACS Nano paper of the same name, Synthetic Antibiotic Derived from Sequences Encrypted in Proteins from Human Plasma.
May 17 – The de la Fuente Lab is happy to be involved in a great collaborative work led by the Tishkoff Lab titled Impact of natural selection on global patterns of genetic variation and association with clinical phenotypes at genes involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection that was published in PNAS.
May 15 – A review article that Prof. de la Fuente contributed to entitled Probiotics: insights and new opportunities for Clostridioides difficile intervention was published in Critical Reviews in Microbiology.
May 12 – A new article by WIRED titled These Nanobots Can Swim Around a Wound and Kill Bacteria features the research with nanobots highlighted in the de la Fuente lab's new paper in ACS Nano.
May 6 – Nature Biotechnology published a News & Views article titled Antibiotic Discovery with Machine Learning which was written by Cesar de la Fuente.
April 29 – The lab's paper titled Autonomous Treatment of Bacterial Infections in Vivo Using Antimicrobial Micro- and Nanomotors was published in ACS Nano.
April 27 – Cesar de la Fuente was announced as an awardee of a 2022 Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) Young Investigator Award.
March 31 – Digital Discovery published the review article titled Deep generative models for peptide design. It was written by de la Fuente Lab members Fangping Wan and Daphne Kontogiorgos-Heintz. Congratulations Fangping and Daphne!
March 31 – The lab's paper The wasp venom antimicrobial peptide polybia-CP and its synthetic derivatives display antiplasmodial and anticancer properties is among Bioengineering & Translational Medicine's top cited articles.
March 11 – ACS in Focus published Machine Learning for Drug Discovery, a book developed in the de la Fuente Lab that acts as a primer for students new to Machine Learning.
February 12 – El País published an interview with Cesar de la Fuente about his ongoing projects and scientific research within the Machine Biology Group.
February 7 – The de la Fuente Lab's low-cost COVID-19 tests were featured in an article published by El País in Spanish and English.
February 4 – Voz de America published an article and video interview with Cesar de la Fuente about the low-cost COVID-19 antigen tests developed by the lab.
January 25 – RTVE Noticias interviewed Cesar de la Fuente for a video about the de la Fuente Lab's development of COVID-19 tests.
January 21 – Our latest Nature BME paper will be featured on the January 2022 cover of Nature Biomedical Engineering.
January 20 – Our latest Nature BME paper is the fourth most-viewed article published in Nature Biomedical Engineering on a list of 25 articles ranked by unique pageviews.
December 14 – Cesar de la Fuente appeared on the Forbes Top 50 Awarded Spaniards list.
November 30 – Economia 3 published an article about the de la Fuente Lab's work on COVID-19 rapid tests.
November 30 – WIRED published an article An AI Finds Superbug-Killing Potential in Human Proteins about our latest Nature BME paper.
November 26 – A Behind The Paper article was posted on the Nature Bioengineering community page about our latest Nature BME paper.
November 24 – Cesar de la Fuente is on Clarivate's 2021 annual list of Highly Cited Researchers, a list of the most highly cited scientists in the past decade with publications that are among the top one percent in the citation distribution in their fields.
November 16 – iSanidad's article Un científico español descubre más de 2.600 antibióticos encriptados en proteínas del cuerpo humano covers our latest Nature BME paper.
November 15 – El Pais published an article about the research in our Nature BME paper as well as an article describing a variety of research on the human proteome by different groups including the de la Fuente Lab.
November 14 – ABC Galicia and el Correo Gallego published interviews with Cesar de la Fuente.
November 8 – NIUS published an interview with Cesar de la Fuente regarding our latest Nature BME paper.
November 8 – Penn Today published an article that covers our latest Nature BME paper.
November 8 – An article entitled Hallan docenas de nuevos antibioticos naturales dentro del cuerpo humano is published in Muy Interesante that covers our latest Nature BME paper.
November 8 – GEN spoke with Prof. de la Fuente regarding the lab's work designing an algorithm to discover thousands of antimicrobial peptides in the human proteome that is detailed in our latest Nature BME paper.
November 6 – Faro de Vigo article Un cientifico gallego identifica unos 2.000 antibioticos 'codificados' en el organismo covers our newly published research from our latest Nature BME paper.
November 6 – La Opinion A Coruna publishes an article Una nueva via frente a las 'superbacterias' about the de la Fuente lab's new publication in Nature BME.
November 4 – Penn Engineering Today posts the article Penn Researchers Show 'Encrypted' Peptides Could be Wellspring of Natural Antibiotics about the lab's new publication in Nature BME.
November 4 – GCiencia and AAAS published information about the de la Fuente lab's work discovering encrypted antibiotics in the human proteome that is featured in our latest Nature BME paper.
November 4 – The de la Fuente Lab's new paper Mining for encrypted peptide antibiotics in the human proteome was published in Nature Biomedical Engineering.
October 15 – Newsy visited the de la Fuente Lab to discuss the path to FDA approval for our COVID-19 rapid tests.
September 29 – The lab's paper "Antimicrobial Peptides: Potential Therapeutics Against Drug-Resistant Pulmonary Infections" is now published in Archivos de Bronconeumologia.
September 26 – An article on antibiotic resistance and artificial intelligence published on Medium refers to the de la Fuente Lab's publication in Communications Biology on the same topic.
September 10 – Forbes Spain names Cesar one of their 100 Most Creative Spanish Individuals in the Business World.
September 9 – Communications Biology publishes the lab's paper on "Accelerating antibiotic discovery through artificial intelligence".
September 1 – Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews publishes the lab's paper "Probiotic engineering strategies for the heterologous production of antimicrobial peptides".
September 1 – Three University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. rotation students join the de la Fuente Lab: Patrick Exconde (BMB), Hannah Kim (BMB) and Jacqueline Peng (BE).
September 1 – Professor Katya Anaya from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil joins the de la Fuente Lab through the Fulbright Scholar Program for a project on food preservation and safety.
August 31 – ACS Infectious Diseases publishes a paper on research surrounding a synthetic peptide derived from scorpion venom.
August 16 – Fangping Wan, Ph.D. joins the de la Fuente Lab as a postdoctoral fellow.
August 9 – Our faster and cheaper COVID-19 testing with pencil lead is featured in Penn Engineering Today.
August 4 – Cesar is announced as a member of the 2021-2022 ASM Distinguished Lecturer roster.
July 27 – The paper on the Low-cost Electrochemical Advanced Diagnostic (LEAD) COVID-19 test that was developed in the lab is now published in PNAS.
July 23 – Penn Health-Tech announces the 11 projects selected for the 2021-2022 cohort, including our "Low-cost diagnostic platform: For COVID-19 and other emerging pathogens".
July 15 – Angelica Cesaro, Ph.D. joins the de la Fuente Lab as a postdoctoral fellow.
July 14 – Undergraduate lab member Daphne Kontogiorgos-Heintz is awarded Penn Bioengineering's Blair Research Fellowship.
July 7 – Our paper "Low-cost biosensor for rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 at the point of care" is published in Matter.
June 10 – ACS Infectious Diseases published the paper "Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Antimicrobial Peptides Requires New and Standardized Testing Structures".
April 1 – Daphne Kontogiorgos-Heintz is awarded the Penn Engineering Littlejohn Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
March 18 – Daphne Kontogiorgos-Heintz is awarded the Grant for Faculty Mentoring Undergraduate Research from the University of Pennsylvania Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CURF).
March 17 – The de la Fuente Lab's paper "Molecular Dynamics for Antimicrobial Peptide Discovery" is now published in Infection and Immunity.
February 4 – A paper titled "Synthetic Biology and Computer-Based Frameworks for Antimicrobial Peptide Discovery" is published in ACS Nano.
January 13 – Great to start the year with a publication. Our new paper "Coatable and Resistance-Proof Ionic Liquid for Pathogen Eradication" is out in ACS Nano!
January 11 – Our COVID-19 rapid test begins clinical trials. Here an article which gives more details about our work from Penn Today.
January 5 – The lab's work on rapid and low-cost COVID-19 diagnostics is featured by Penn Medicine.